Friday, December 11, 2009

As the cold symptoms leave the gout comes

Greetings all

Well my cold/flu is getting a little better, but yesterday I started to feel gout in my right foot right under the toes. (Did I mention that I hate gout!) Today it's bad enough that walking is painful and I prefer not to move. I haven't been eating anything that should cause the gout, my wife has been making several different kinds of soup. I think our recent sub zero weather has caused her to crave soup. That's OK, I like most of the ones she's made, however, the one I didn't like much was the "Best ever potato soup", it has about eight ounces of processed cheese. I made cheese in my younger years so I don't care for the processed cheese, it's not real cheese. In fact several of the ingredients remind me of the ingredients that are in Elmer's Glue. Well that's my story for today, and yes I am taking allopurinol and I have started taking Colchicine.

1 comment:

John said...

Hi! Want to swap links? My blog is at

Sorry to hear about your pain. Try to take your meds at the first instance when there's a tingling in your foot. It usually starts very slight. It usually gives me about 2-3 days to prepare.