Monday, July 19, 2010

Another month with no gout

Hello everyone,

Yes it's been another month with no gout. I've been helping my son with some camp host duties and it's caused me to be much more active. I've lost several pounds and been in the sun a lot. I believe that the more active a person is, gout is less prone to occur. I still have a lot of weight to loose but I feel more motivated than in the past. Oh, and I have cut way back on the soda pop, I still have one now and then but only one or two a week. I think that I'll even give that up so it will be one or two a month. The soda pop has way too much sugar and the diet is just nasty. Besides I have read that the artificial sweetener stimulates your appetite. Anyway, going so long without gout is awesome. I better run, Stay gout free



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Anonymous said...

Hey mate
Iv had gout since i was 18
My dad and his dad had it
Im fit and healthy and today woke up with my first attack in years
left foot cant walk

Fist blog ever
Ben from Aussie

Unknown said...

Good luck with the gout thing. I hate the stuff also. It costs you to much time off your feet. Have you tried Tart Cherry Juice?

Unknown said...

This gout thing does run in families, My Mothe, Dad and a Brother have ad it. The key for me is to stay active and keep moving. Tart Cherry Juice helps along with the drugs the Doctor gives me like Alapurinal.

Good luck and stay gout free.