Monday, December 27, 2010

My December 2010 Post

Here we are the end of December. The new year is just around the corner, with all its new adventures a head of us. If we're lucky the green headed gout monster will not be one of those adventures. This promises to be a year of challenges, political as well as personal. We can affect the political, but our area of greater influence will be in our personal lives. I plan on taking several steps to improve my health and quality of life. Take a look at your life and find one or two areas that will make your life more meaningful to you and your loved ones. Set some goals and establish mileposts, measure your progress and adjust your goals.

I have been gout free, or at least mostly for about a year or more. I need to loose about 130 lbs this will help lower my risk of having high uric acid. Anyway good luck with your goals and wishes for the coming year.

Best wishes
